Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST
Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
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Graduates / young professionals / experienced professionals
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Industry solutions
Industry solutions
Plant and mechanical engineering, tools
Vehicle construction
Medical and pharmaceutical process engineering
Environmental technology
Digital economy: Simulation solutions in surface technology
Chemical industry
Space travel
Agricultural and food industry
Process and production engineering for sustainable energy storage
Sensor technology – Thin-film sensors for industrial applications
Flexible production systems
Optical systems and applications
Interfacial chemistry and adaptive adhesion
Diamond-based systems and CleanTech
Simulation software coating processes
Analytics, quality assurance, testing technology
Sustainability management and LCE
Physical Vapor Deposition
Magnetron sputtering
Hollow-cathode process
Chemical Vapor Deposition
Atomic layer deposition
Hot-wire CVD
Photo- and electrochemical environmental technologies
Plasma activated chemical vapor deposition
Atmospheric pressure plasma processes
Plasma sources
Plasma polymerization
Electrochemical processes
Ionic liquids
Plastic metallization
Digitization of electroplating production processes
Chemical, mechanical and thermal surface treatment
Configuration of the surface topography
Plasma diffusion treatment
Surface cleaning
Continuing education
Reference projects
Events | Trade fairs
Events | Trade fairs
TransferTalk ”Sustainability as the Success Factor in Industries”
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Fraunhofer Center for Energy Storage and Systems ZESS
Fraunhofer Center Circular Economy for Mobility CCEM
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Training at the Fraunhofer IST
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Training Office Management Assistant
Training IT Specialist – System Integration
Training Physics Laboratory Assistant
Training Surface Coating Technician
Training Media Designer, digital and print
Offers for students
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Graduates / young professionals / experienced professionals
The Fraunhofer IST as an employer
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Sensory kingpin
Additive manufacturing for aerospace
Smart screw connection
Prediction of plasma nitriding results
Research for the crop production of the future
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Industry solutions
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Plant and mechanical engineering, tools
Vehicle construction
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Sustainable material and surface systems for future vehicle concepts
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Into the future with sustainable energy
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Medical and pharmaceutical process engineering
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Individualized pharmaceutical production
Translational manufacturing platform for innovative medical devices
#WeKnowHow – The Fraunhofer IST vs. Corona
Improving inhalation therapy by means of anti-adhesive surfaces
Cleaning of room air through plasma – PlasmaAirCleaner
The patient room of the future
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Hospital hygiene and automated cleaning systems
Air cleaning to reduce aerosol-borne germs
Functional surfaces and coatings in the patient room of the future
Water treatment in hospitals
Data acquisition and digitization at the patient’s bedside
Surface technology for the healthcare sector
Environmental technology
Digital economy: Simulation solutions in surface technology
Chemical industry
Space travel
Agricultural and food industry
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Process and production engineering for sustainable energy storage
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Battery systems
Hydrogen and fuel cell systems
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Measurement methods for the evaluation of materials for hydrogen technologies
Transformation of the Salzgitter industrial site with green hydrogen technologies
Short-term solutions for green hydrogen in Salzgitter
Sustainable factory systems
Life cycle management
Material and process development for batteries
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Process chains and systems
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Tool coatings for cutting fiber-composite plastics
Application-related surface modification
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Surface-layer treatment of high-temperature materials
Coatings for aluminum and magnesium die-casting tools
Wear analysis as the basis for the optimization of tribological systems
Sensor technology – Thin-film sensors for industrial applications
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Innovative sensor systems for production monitoring
Temperature sensors for warm forming
Sensor technology for temperature measurement in mixed-friction-loaded contacts
Thin-film sensor technology for the monitoring of temperature control in plastic injection molding
Sensor inserts for contact-temperature measurement in cross wedge rolling process
Thin-film sensors for force measurement in cold forging
Sensor technology for AI-supported quality monitoring in production technology
Flexible production systems
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Smart, modular and sustainable interior for the transportation of the future
Optical systems and applications
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Compliant optical coatings for complex-geometric substrates
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Process automation with MOCCA+®
Production technology EOSS®
Development and production of optical filters as small series
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UV bandpass filter for sun observation
Optical interference coating systems on polymer films
Pixel filters
Optical beam splitter
Complex bandpass filters
Broadband beam splitter
Optical filter for space applications
IR bandpass filter
Scratch-resistant antireflective coatings
Magnetic position and length measurement
Optical-Electrical Systems
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Transparent conductive oxides TCO
Customized mirror coatings
Setup for high-precision wavefront measurement
Interfacial chemistry and adaptive adhesion
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Processes for additive manufacturing
Cleaning and hygiene
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Modifications of membranes for wastewater treatment of heavy metals
Automated cleaning and pretreatment
Pretreatment and functionalization
Diamond-based systems and CleanTech
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Diamond electrodes for disinfection
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PreCare – Health Care for Everyone and Everywhere
Sustainable component and tool coating
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CVD diamond honing stones
Textured tool surfaces
Diamond coatings for optical applications
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Ultra-hard optical diamond coatings
Layers for photovoltaics
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Sustainable, highly efficient perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells
Simulation software coating processes
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Direct Simulation Monte Carlo-PICMC
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Upscaling of PECVD processes
Simulation of optical precision coatings
Simulation of HWCVD silicon deposition
Aerosol simulation – Simulation of particles and aerosols
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Reduction of particle pollution in coating processes
Simulation of microparticles with PALADIN
Thermodynamic modeling of alloys using the CALPHAD method
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Calphad method
Data acquisition and model based process optimization
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Digitization of surface cleaning
Digitalization in surface technology
Digitization in electroplating technology
CRISP-DM surface technology
Flow simulation by Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD
Analytics, quality assurance, testing technology
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EDX/WDX/EPMA for microdomain analysis
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EPMA-Analysis of thin films: Film thickness and composition
Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES)
Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS)
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Depth profile analysis on curved surfaces
How deeply does hydrogen penetrate surfaces?
X-ray diffraction (XRD)
X-ray reflectometry (XRR)
Hardness and modulus of elasticity of layers and surfaces
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Micro- and nanoindenter
Layer thickness measurement
Layer adhesion test
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Automation of the Rockwell adhesion test
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Tactile profilometry
Focussed Ion Beam (FIB)
High-load and high-temperature tribometer
Impact test
Crater grinding method
Sand trickling test
Abrasion test
Taber Abraser Test
Photocatalytic testing methods and measurement technology
Photocatalytic air purification
Durability testing
Photocatalytic self cleaning
2- and 3-dimensional optical microscopy
Contact angle measurement
Salt spray test
Magnetic measurements
Sustainability management and LCE
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Sustainability management
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Physical Vapor Deposition
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Magnetron sputtering
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Sustainable hydrogen from sunlight
Hydrogen production by means of sunlight
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Direct metallization of plastics by HIPIMS
Hollow-cathode process
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Palladium gas separation membranes
Magnetic layers with gas flow sputtering
Precious-metal separation membranes
Materials for high-temperature strain gauges
Chemical Vapor Deposition
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Atomic layer deposition
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Nanomaterials for the energy revolution
Fields of application for ALD
Hot-wire CVD
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Heterostructure solar cells
Vertical integration of MEMS sensors on application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs)
Photo- and electrochemical environmental technologies
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Model calculations for the degradation of nitrogen oxides by means of photocatalysis
Plasma activated chemical vapor deposition
Atmospheric pressure plasma processes
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Plasma sources
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Atmospheric pressure plasma sources for additive manufacturing
Robot-guided plasma treatment of 3D surfaces
Plasma polymerization
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Innovative composite layers by PECVD
Adhesive-free joining of plastic-metal films
Investigation of VUV-radiation in dielectric barrier discharge processes
Electrochemical processes
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Ionic liquids
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Closed-loop electrochemical processes for the extraction of pure elements from lunar regolith
Galvanic aluminum deposition
Plastic metallization
Optimizing electroplating processes by understanding the potential for hydrogen hazard
Digitization of electroplating production processes
Chemical, mechanical and thermal surface treatment
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Configuration of the surface topography
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Anti-adhesive systems for plastics molding
Plasma diffusion treatment
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Metal diffusion
Nitriding and carburizing
Surface cleaning
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Optimized cleaning chain
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Reference projects
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Hermes silicon AR coatings
MUSIC silicon MEMS
PATOS silicon solar cells
Hydrogen Campus Salzgitter
Bandpass on lenses
evTrailer – Sensory kingpin
Smart screw connection
SensoFut – Sensor technology for metal forming
SmartNFR – Natural-fiber-reinforced plastics
Transfer EOSS®
Transfer MOCCA+®
Mars filter
High-performance plastics
Infection prevention
Ice-free windshield
Nitriding-compatible selection of hot-work tool steels
Potential of diffustion treatment
Prognosis tool for plasma nitriding processes
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Flexible production systems for smart surfaces
Poseidon II
TivSee – Temperature control sensors
ANIARA – Intelligent thin-film sensors for network infrastructures
MuWeKa – Multi-sensory tools for cold forming
Plant cultivation of the future
AI-based inline measuring equipment for electroplating technology
Automated monitoring for the production of optical coatings
Sensor inserts for the monitoring of production processes
HELMIZ innovation center
FutureCarProduction – Sustainable vehicle construction
Transformation of the Wilhelmshaven region
Economical production of metallic bipolar plates
CO₂-saving lightweight-construction solutions for next-generation battery housings
Biomimetic plasma polymers for the functionalization of paper
Graduate Program
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TransferTalk ”Sustainability as the Success Factor in Industries”
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