Aerosol simulation – Simulation of the transport of particles and aerosols

Illustration of the development of the charge Q of a particle in PALADIN. Visible are the targets (gray, center) and the substrate (yellow, top) of the EOSS<sup>®</sup>.
© Fraunhofer IST
Illustration of the development of the charge of a microparticle in PALADIN. You can see the sputtering targets (gray, center) and the substrate (yellow, top) of the EOSS®.

Combination of flow and particle simulation in various pressure regimes

The simulation code PALADIN, developed at Fraunhofer IST, contains numerous physical mechanisms on dust particles, can be easily extended and also considers the interaction between particles and wall. Gas flow and electric potential distributions can be imported from various codes (CFD tools and our own DSMC / PIC-MC simulation tool). Our experience is based on various projects, e.g. on dust particles in physical vapor deposition, aerosol transport in indoor flows and removal of regolith by high-voltage electric fields.

Analysis of dust and aerosol transport in low-pressure and atmospheric pressure regime

Dust particles cause defects in deposited layers, electrooptical devices or - in form of aerosols - cause contaminations and infections in production sites, buildings or transport vehicles. A model based analysis of their transport dynamics enables to minimize dust particle contamination; this holds for atmospheric pressure flows by optimization of the arrangement of air filters as well as for deposition chambers by optimization of their component arrangement. Fraunhofer IST offers support for setting up coupled CFD / particle simulations, it is further possible to license the PALADIN code.


Further information


Simulation of microparticles with PALADIN


Particles in coating processes